Attention! All audio files can be found here.


In the news during the COVID-19 era Lemont publishing company donates books to keep kids reading while in self-isola...

A Time to Give

A Time to Give
For the past year, I have been trying to figure out how to not be focused on making sales but still stay afloat. For starters, I am going to keep on giving away eBooks.* It shares the content at no immediate cost, and lots of kids can enjoy the books. I will continue to offer them in the almost free digital library, magicblox, so kids can enjoy them online. And I will continue to send out books to groups and organizations doing good work with underserved kids through the non-profit, Random Acts of Reading.  I am also collaborating with non-profits, like Tommy Two Shoes Literacy Project, that connects businesses with classrooms so every kids can go home with a free book. This is where I will be sending my energy from now on. I am done trying to make a sale. I am going to put the books out there with all the positive energy they are filled with, and see what greatness we can achieve!

Combining passions through pickleball--a side note from the Editor-in-Chief

Combining passions through pickleball--a side note from the Editor-in-Chief
Combining Passions through Pickleball Sometimes life serves you lemons. It’s what you do with the return that matters. This is a brief account of h...

“Doing the Right Thing—Not Always So Easy” (reposted from Good Reads With Mama) GUEST BLOG by AUTHOR BILLY BLOOM

“Doing the Right Thing—Not Always So Easy” (reposted from Good Reads With Mama) GUEST BLOG by AUTHOR BILLY BLOOM
A wallet lying in the street, stuffed with cash. Not a single person anywhere in sight. It’s a universal question for children and adults alike: w...