FREE RESOURCES to help us get through this crisis together!
COVID-19 update!! We are collaborating with Random Acts of Reading to collect financial donations to help provide new books to schools providing meals, so families can return with food to replenish the body and books to replenish the mind and soul. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation. All funds go entirely to the purchase of books, which Eifrig Publishing is providing at cost.
#Stayathome, read a book, and stay healthy!
FREE EBOOKS: if there is a book you would love to share with a child but the cost is prohibitive, please reach out and we will provide a discount code for a free ebook.
There is a wonderful online library that includes almost all of our books and many more. Check that out too!
STORYTIME on WPSU Virtual Summer Camp (30 mins of stories read by the authors!)
“Walter and the Wallet,” “The Nutty Little Vulture,” “Superhero Smiles,” and “Where Is Love?”
“More Beautiful than Heaven” and “Green Golly and Her Golden Flute.”
"Leave it to me!", "Dust Flowers", "Sewing the Magic in", and "The Cheese Song"
STORYTIME by Lady Liberty
- A Happy a Day Keeps the Grouchies Away!
- Abby's Adventures: Earth Day and the Recycling Fashionista
- Big and Strong, I Belong!
- Bunny Bath
- Leave It to Me!
- Nana's Favorite Things
- Catalina and the King's Wall
- Aliana Reaches for the Moon
- Madam President: Five Women Who Paved the Way
- Growing Up in a Grandfamily
- Cuffy's NYC Adventure
- Dust Flowers
- Sewing the Magic In
- The Cheese Song: All Aboard the Orphan Train
- And the Trees Began to Move
- The Tired Little Turtle
- The Scared Little Snowflake
- The Speckled Little Pumpkin
- Little Scarecrow's Big Problem
- There's a Cow in the Kitchen
- There's a Bear in the Bathroom
More coming daily!
Storytime with our authors:
- Superhero Smiles by Jeni Donatelli Ihm
- Sewing the Magic In by Lisa Gammon Olson
- Dust Flowers by Lisa Gammon Olson
- Remembering Green by Lisa Gammon Olson
- The Cheese Song, by Lisa Gammon Olson, read by Jennifer Woolley
- And the Trees Began to Move by Lisa Gammon Olson, read by Jennifer Woolley
- Amazing, Misunderstood Bats by Marta Magellan, special COVID-19 edition!
- Walter and the Wallet by Billy Bloom (read to his elementary students)
- Cleo's Big Ideas Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 by Jan Milusich
- The Wizard's Wish, by Brad Yates
- Green Golly and Her Golden Flute by Keith Torgan and Barbara Siesel
- Opening of Himalayan Hostages (Himalayan Kidnap) by Jane Wilson Howarth
- Opening of Himalayan Hideout (Chasing the Tiger) by Jane Wilson Howarth
DAILY SILLY SONGS by Keith Torgan and Barbara Siesel (GREEN GOLLY)
Silly Song Animated Videos by Keith Torgan and Barbara Siesel (GREEN GOLLY)
SEEKING YOUNG WRITERS: Encourage your kids and students to use this extra time at home to be creative and write (and illustrate) a story! Enter the YACK! (Young Authors--Creative Kids) story contest!
This can be a collaborative effort, and a great way for kids to interact (online) to create a book. All entries will be added to a free YACK! library and the annual gold medal winner with have his or her book published, with the proceeds going to the non-profit of choice!
Our motto is our mission — “Good for our kids, good for our Earth, and good for our communities.”
We are passionate about helping kids develop into caring, creative, thoughtful individuals who possess positive self-images, celebrate differences, and practice inclusion. Our books promote social and environmental consciousness and empower children as they grow in their communities.

You can make a donation to Random Acts of Reading to help give physical books to kids in need. Currently we are working on delivering free books throughout Central PA through the free school lunch programs. If your area has a regular delivery of products going out to low-income kids, and you would like to help get books out to your area, please contact me at Thank you, stay home, stay healthy, support your local essential workers by not being out more than absolutely necessary, and be well!
Below is a video by one of our authors, Brad Yates, to help you use EFT Tapping to get through this crisis.
Brad's children's books about EFT TAPPING are A Garden of Emotions and The Wizard's Wish.
Here is Brad's special video to help kids keep on smiling during the global crisis.
Eifrig Publishing is collaborating on the non-profit organization, Random Acts of Reading*, to promote literacy, creativity, writing, and activism for kids. It organizes affordable meet-the-author events for schools and community groups by "paying it forward" and provides discounted and free books to students. When a school brings in an author for a meet-the-author event, RoAR provides an event for a nearby school. With sufficient funding, each child receives a free book with the author visit (made possible through the concept of "paying it forward" by any families who would like to contribute to RoAR or purchase books).
RANDOM ACTS OF READING is also encouraging creativity by sponsoring an annual writing contest for kids, YACK! (Young Authors-Creative Kids!). Every story submitted will be added to a free online library so kids around the world can enjoy each other’s stories. One winning manuscript each year is published under the Eifrig Publishing** young author imprint, YACK!, with all proceeds going to the non-profit of choice of the winning author.
We are currently putting together anthologies of LOCKDOWN stories by both kids and adult writers, so take a moment to reflect on your new lives, what it means for your and your family, and send us your stories!
If you know of a school that would like to host a virtual meet-the-author event, please contact us.
Post-COVID-19 actions: We also match sponsors to specific classrooms, where every kid receives a free sponsored book (with a thank you to the sponsor inside the cover of the book); the sponsor can often even have the opportunity to read the book (online) to the classrooms to directly experience the impact books can make on kids!
*Random Acts of Reading is a registered non-profit organization located in Pennsylvania. Contributions for the purposes of Random Acts of Reading are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
**Eifrig Publishing is helping to develop the non-profit organization and is supporting RoAR by providing highly discounted books and coordinating author visits, and by hosting the YACK! Young Author-Creative Kids writing contest.