Kenda Swartz Pepper

As the daughter of a District Forester, she learned early on the importance of conserving natural resources and caring for the earth. As a child, she wanted to grow up and become an architect for doll houses, a writer of children’s stories and plays (her first official screenplay, a Sci-Fi entitled Strangers from Planet Zadar debuted when she was in fourth grade), a famous artist, a poet, a play actor, a defender of wildlife, and an inventor. She invented different versions of leprechaun and fairy-catchers. Each one had an escape door, so she's not really sure if I ever actually caught any fairies or leprechauns; but she thinks maybe so only they escaped.
Kenda is a trained art therapist and spent ten years providing therapy to children in urban settings and also to children coping with the challenges of an ill parent or the loss and grief of bereavement. For over a decade, she has been self-employed as a staff and management development specialist in organizations. In her past life, she was a competitive inline skater and trail runner. Currently she enjoys activities like writing on environmental and social justice issues for online news sources and cleaning up the beach. She also finds outrageous joy in photography and (after years of trying!) am finally an exhibiting fine artist. Her volunteer fun focuses on children and wildlife. For the past decade, she has been on the Advisory Committee for Hillel Stanford’s Camp Kesem, a free camp for children who have or have had a parent with cancer.
Kenda identifes herself as a partner to an outstandingly awesome and supportive husband, Scott, a stepmother to a super sweetie named Jaime, a dog-lover (that darling puppy featured in this book is Stella), an artist, a vegan, an aspiring gardener, and one who whole-heartedly appreciates wildlife and all the natural beauty in my environment. She is committed to dedicating my spare time to encouraging, teaching, supporting and learning from children (whom she believes are the most amazing beings on earth) and to helping others help the earth by maintaining and sustaining the delicate balance between humans and the environment.